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Self-Sabotage Busters

Each of us is a unique, creative individual.

But… We often tend to numb that uniqueness.

Bottom line is we do it because we’ve become more comfortable being victims of our circumstances or “stuck” than risking having to be consistently productive.

It suddenly hits us like a wave of indifference:

“What’s the use? There’s already a whole bunch of people ahead of me.”

One look at the road of “doing” from this perspective and we turn it into a scary path, this is how we begin to get distracted by roadside events or bumps.

Take a good look at our most common self-picked sabotages:

  • Drugs

  • Food: binging on sugar, fats and/or carbohydrates

  • Overwork

  • Underplay

  • Bad relations

  • Saying yes
to what we really don’t want or vice versa

  • Toxic sex

  • Under exercise

  • Over-TV, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, games, etc.

  • Shop-a-holism

  • Under sleep, over sleep

The object of these “junk foods for the soul” is to alleviate FEAR.

We are scared by the wide range of possibilities that open in front of us so we reach for the block to slow our growth. If we are honest we all know which blocks are the toxic ones for us, like the block we defend as our right.

Which one makes you angry to even think about giving up?

When we are clear about who we are and what we are doing our creative energy flows freely and we experience no strain in our work. When we resist what that energy might show us or where it might take us, we often experience a disturbing, out of control feeling that eventually makes us want to shut down the flow.

Recognizing our forms of Self-Sabotage is an important part of Self-awareness and it brings us closer to the understanding and modifying of our behavior.

5 Self-Sabotage Busters:

1. Be aware of your demotivation

Extend yourselves some sympathy. We feel shamed for being distracted, demotivated and we feel affected by our reaction to this shame.

2. Failure is good. Fail fast

A successful creative career, from that of an artist, to the one of an innovator or an entrepreneur is always built on “successful” failures. Surviving them and learning from them makes them successful. Have compassion and admit the Self-sabotage exists. “Yes, I was afraid. Yes I do need help”

3. Take notes

Take a look at what type of obstacles or tasks to tackle frighten you.

Break them down and find out why.

4. Ask!

Don’t be afraid to be direct asking for advise to those that have successfully walked in some way the path you want to walk. Ask yourself “Whom can I ask for help about this downturn/failure/problem/doubt/self-sabotage?” Then start asking.

5. Fill the Form

Take the next small step instead of dreaming/worrying of skipping ahead. Most of the time the next right thing is something small. By setting the goals too high and making the price tag to great you are involuntarily setting defeat in motion.

Instead of doing anything, we worry some more.

An active addiction to anxiety is a form of Self-Sabotage. Take one small action instead of indulging in big questions. We learn by going were we have to go.

Ready? Then go!

If this is still too airy-fairy for you, ask yourself bluntly:

What next step are you evading?

What actions are you discounting as impossible given your resources now?

What are you getting for remaining stuck at this point in your life?

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